Cosima Unfortunate Steals a Star

By Laura Noakes, illus. Flavia Sorrentino (Harper Collins)

Cosima Unfortunate Steals a Star

Review by Stevie – Rose, Parliament Hill School, Camden, London
Cosima Unfortunate Steals a Star by Laura Noakes is an adventurous, fun book I would recommend to people who like books about adventure and mystery. This book is set in Victorian times and the characters are all different with different disabilities and personalities. In this story Cosima and her friends are at a home for Unfortunate girls that have been deemed unfit to be in a regular society due to various disabilities or neurodivergences. Historically, the treatment of people with a disability is horrendous but shows how people could have been treated in 1899. The plot of this story is amazing and thought-provoking. When reading this book, I was excited to know what happened as I read on. My favourite character in this book is Diya, a girl who is highly intelligent and is an inventor who was struck down with polio, a disease that left her legs paralyzed. She stands out to me as her clever personality showed she can still make inventions and gadgets even though she is unable to stand. When Cosima finds out an explorer is going to adopt her and her friends and when they plan to steal the Star Diamond of India intrigued me as it was very suspicious and mysterious but also fortunate for the girls. To conclude, this book is incredible, and it includes an emotional journey between the girls. I love this book and recommend reading it.

Review by Charlie, Sheen Mount Primary School, Richmond
Cosima has been at the home for unfortunate girls her whole life, and when she finds out that the person running the Empire Exhibition is trying to adopt her and her friends, she begins a heist. Together they are going to steal the legendary star of India. But when the girls are changing clothes for the morning, Cosima draws herself one step closer to uncovering the secret of her lifetime: the secret about her parents.

I would recommend this book because it is very interesting and at the end of every chapter a cliff hanger takes place. If you're a person who loves heist books and loves inspiring stories, but truly loves cakes, I would recommend this book to you. Rating: 9.7/10

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