Evie and Rhino

By Neridah McMullin, illus. Astred Hicks (Walker)

Evie and Rhino

Review by Jehanna, Archbishop Temple School Preston
This book was very interesting. Each character was so interesting because they all had a passion for doing something. For example, there was a cook who was so good at cooking. But my favourite character was definitely Mr George Henley because he was so interesting and I didn’t get to really know lots about him because he only appears in the second half of the book. At first, Evie thought he was going to be rude and annoying but he wasn’t. I learned about lots of new birds such as a spotted pardalote and tawny frogmouths. The most exciting parts in the book was when Evie finds out about new animals. I would recommend this book to lots of student.

Review by Santino, Corpus Christi Catholic High School, Preston
I thought the book was very educational, wholesome and suitable for the target audience. It was very interesting because it contains heartfelt back stories of their past. Ellie was the most interesting due to her character development within the role but all characters had intricate storylines, attitudes and relationships with Evie, with their personalities and uniqueness standing out to me. I enjoyed learning about hunting animals from that period and how wrong it is making me think about how rhinos are treated in the wild (quite poorly) and in civilisation (even worse). Even though I felt the story was quite dragged out and could be shortened to about 100 pages, I would recommend it to the target age group and I believe it would be a great addition to libraries all around England.

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