The Disappearing Diamond

By Glen Blackwell (Zoetrope Books)

The Disappearing Diamond

Review by Evie, Mordiford Primary School Hereford
Jack and Emmie are learning about the Victorians and are on a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum dressed in Victorian costume. Looking forward to seeing the precious Koh -i-Noor diamond, they are shocked when it suddenly disappears before their eyes. A mysterious figure appears and the children are whisked back in time to Victorian London (1851) Here, they must try to find the diamond in time to ensure the royal coronation can take place. The story is full of adventure as the children must work against the thieves to rescue the diamond.

I enjoyed this book because I love the idea of time travelling to find out all about history. I learned quite a bit about Victorian times, especially that the diamond is a real stone! The author has also added some information at the back of the book to give some extra background facts. I liked the fact that you can compare and contrast the two eras. I also learned that the queen had adopted an orphaned African girl and presented her as her god daughter and it inspired me to find out more about her life. I loved finding out about the Great Exhibition and I have since researched all about this too.

Review by Liyan, Claremont High School, Harrow, Middlesex
I found the plot of this book very exciting with all the twists in the story especially when they had gone back to the Victorian era. I found that particularly interesting as I thought it was odd that they had to go back in time to retrieve the diamond.

My favourite character was Jack as whenever he or Emmie found themselves with a problem, he was always quick to come up with a solution for example when figuring out how to get over the wall when they were trying to get into the park. He was also quick to react whenever he thought they were in danger like when they were trying to find a place, they could rent out in which they had angered one of the people in the houses.

Something that especially stands out from the rest of this book for me is how they use their own prior knowledge of the time period they are in to aid themselves in some situations. I also like at how they hint at past adventures that they have been on to other time periods, such as when they talked about when they were on the Titanic.

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