Over 500 high-quality podcast talks by history experts across a wide range of historical periods, regions and themes.
All podcasts are free to HA members. Non-members can listen to the first track of each podcast for free.
Latest Podcasts
- Queer Britain and Public History
- Ancient Carthage
- Technology and Innovation in the Medieval Near East
- The Fall of the Crusader States
- Tutankhamun, Howard Carter and the Griffith Institute
- The Neo-Babylonian Empire (626-539 BC)
- The Hittites & the Hittite Empire (1650-1190 BC)
- Ancient Babylon (1900-619 BC)
- New Podcast Series: Everyday Life in a 17th Century English Village
- Ancient Egypt - The New Kingdom (1550-1069 BC)
- Everyday Life in a 17th Century English Village Episode 1
- An Introduction to Late Medieval and Renaissance Poland & Lithuania
28 FebBranch
Blood on their Hands
Branch: Gwent
28 FebBranch
Playing with History: Exploring the Past through Video Games
Branch: Reading
03 MarBranch
'Known as the Graveyard of Empires'. Was the US nation building in Afghanistan doomed from the outset?
Branch: Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch
03 MarBranch
A talk from Em Prof Martin Alexander (International Relations, Aberystwyth)
Branch: Bolton
Historical periods
- New Podcast Series: The Ancient Near East
- Ancient Egypt – The Old Kingdom (2700-2200 BC)
- The Anarchy (1138-1153)
- Ancient Greece & Rome: Similarities and Differences
Britain & Ireland
- Everyday Life in a 17th Century English Village Episode 1
- Tudor Rebellions: Henry VII - Elizabeth I
- Domestic impact of World War I
- The Spice and Silk routes in the late medieval era
- An Introduction to Cuneiform
- The Mali Empire (1226-1670)