Queer Britain and Public History

In this podcast Dr Samantha Knapton of Nottingham University and Jennifer Shearman of Queer Britain explain how their work has come together to reveal and present the hidden history of LGBTQ+ lives across Britian and beyond.
Queer Britain is the UK’s first museum dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community and its history, with Jennifer as its curator the museum has been using materials culture as well as records to try and present the history of this diverse community of individuals.
Dr Knapton has been working on a AHRC IAA funded project titled “Hidden Histories: Queer Experiences and Displacement in the Contemporary World” and between the two experts new information has come to light about those people who could now be described as being from the LGBTQ+ community. From this information, found in twentieth century records, they have been able to find new ways to represent some of those individuals at the museum and in university settings. Key to their combined approaches, especially those of Dr Knapton, is not to make the stories tokenistic but instead integrated into existing history courses so that they are part of a wider history that presents people of many backgrounds and experiences.
This podcast introduces the work they have carried out as well as some of the methodology behind it.
1. Introduction.
2. Queer Britain.
3. Post-war queer displacement.
4. Researching hidden histories.
5. Teaching and Curating hidden histories.
6. Supporting teachers and students.
7. Bringing local, public and academic history together.
8. Combining archival research and material culture.
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