Technology and Innovation in the Medieval Near East

Technology, navigation and gunpowder
In this podcast Dr Nicholas Morton (Nottingham Trent University) discusses the role the Near East played in the development and transmission of technology and innovation during the medieval period. Dr Morton looks examines the significance of gunpowder, the navigational compass and maritime chart, and also how the changing civilisations of the medieval Near East influenced each other’s art and culture.
The podcast examines some of the themes and perspectives that he covers in his book The Mongol Storm: Making and Breaking Empires in the Medieval Near East.
1. The Near East played a major role in the development of technology and innovation in the medieval period, what were the main drivers of this innovation?
2. Can you tell us about the development of gunpowder? What was the significance of this innovation?
3. What led to the development of the navigational compass and the maritime chart? What role did they play in transforming the medieval world?
4. Can you tell us about innovations in maritime architecture?
5. Who are the maritime innovators?
6. What developments do we see in warfare technology such as siege weaponry?
7. To what extent do the changing civilisations of the medieval Near East influence each other’s art and culture?
8. What can you tell us about the innovators, technicians or intellectuals of this period?
9. What should students be thinking about when engaging with this history? Looking beyond holy war.
10. Have you looked at this topic in your recent book: the Mongol Storm?
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