Time Machine Next Door: Explorers and Milkshakes

By Iszi Lawrence (Bloomsbury Education)

Time Machine Next Door

Review by Lily, St. Peter's CE Primary, Heysham
The story is about a boy called Sunil who has a next-door neighbor called Alex.

Alex has a time machine and if you get sooooo bored you can time travel!!!

I liked how Sunil was amazed when he met Neil Armstrong, MC Nish, Mrs. Chippy, and Shackleton. I found MC Nish interesting because he didn’t seem very nice, but he and Shackleton were best friends.

The plot was exciting because the reader wasn’t sure if Sunil would fix his record. I found out lots of new facts through reading this book. For example, I didn’t know that the arctic could be cold enough to freeze a boat / ship, and that Neil Armstrong could fly a plane before he could drive a car!

 What stood out to me was that Sunil never seemed to meet a non-famous person. I didn’t like how Sunil brought Mrs. Chippy home, lost him straight away and didn’t bother to look for him.

 I would recommend this book to other children because it’s exciting, funny and it intrigues you to read on.

Review by Henry, Westgate Primary School, Morecambe
I found the book really interesting because they talked to Neil Armstrong. Sunil was the most interesting because he went on all the adventures however I did not like Mrs Shakey because he was trying to turn all the humans into milkshakes! I learnt that on the ship endurance to the Arctic there was a cat on board called Mrs Chippy. My favourite part was when Sunil falls out the sky and lands on a satellite. This made me laugh so I would defiantly recommend it to others! Something interesting I learnt was that kiwis have nostrils on the end of their beaks!

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