Archie's War
By Marcia Williams

1. I enjoyed the book, ‘Archie's War' by Marcia Williams for many reasons. Usually I don't enjoy reading but this book made me want to read. Although the layout of the book was a bit complicated, because of the way it had been set out, it was very exciting and has many facts about World War One. The information within the book, not only made me want to find out more about the history of the war, but also more about the author, Marcia Williams. The way she has presented historical facts in an engaging way has inspired me to want to write a book and to be a better learner. PLEASE READ THE BOOK ARCHIE'S WAR!
By Chanel
2. Overall I thought the book ‘Archie's War' was engaging and informative. I thought the author, Marcia William's choice to present the handwriting as a child's was clever because it makes it more believable and accessible to children. However I did find it slightly difficult to read at times. There was a lot on each page so you wouldn't know if you've read it all. My favourite bit was about Nurse Cavell and it encouraged me to think about other nurses at the time. Also, from reading about the war heroes it made me want to find out more about them. I think the history was realistic because the people didn't know what war was and the book portrays this. I found Archie's war to be a good book and after looking at other books by Marcia Williams discovered her other titles seemed just as interesting.
By Sakina
3. Despite not liking war, I really enjoyed the book as it narrates the book in a fun way and doesn't make you feel sad. It has lots of bright colours and well-illustrated pictures, which also help focus less on the negative aspect of war. I think the Grandma is a good character because despite the fact war isn't good she keeps voting for the soldiers to keep fighting and is persuading people to vote. I think this shows she is a strong willed character. Archie is also a good character as he is very interested in the war and how Uncle Ted is doing. Some of the history is real but some of it is just for the presentation of the book. For example the Red Baron was a German pilot in the war. But also I don't think they would put a German in prison if they were in your school or a village. This book encouraged me to want to read more about history. I thought this book was a great example for reading and learning about history in an engaging way. I thought it really stimulated the brain. It made me want to see how life was like way before I was born. It also made me want to read more books by this author as I enjoyed this book, and would like to see if all of her books are as good as this book. To see if she can keep up her great books like this one! I would like to say that this book crossed off most of my success criteria for a book. I would suggest for lots of people to read books by Marcia Williams the author of this book, especially Archie's war.
By Edgar
4. I enjoyed the book because it was a thrilling war book full of scary moments and exciting bits as well. One of the best features was the comic to make it a bit more child friendly.
My favorite character by far was uncle teddy even though he got shell shock he was an exciting person and in the story he saved many other people's lives as well as his before he went to war.
I don't really think it was too realistic but it was realistic enough for it to give the impression of a World War One feature like food rationing and hard biscuits. Then there was the suffering in the trenches and in the story Archie's uncle Derek caught a thing called shell shock which is a thing were you have seen so many dreadful things that you just can't understand the world as we do.
The book does make me want to learn more about history even though I am pretty confident that I know a lot of history but I would always like to learn more about history as there is no end to learning.
This book inspires me to read more books by Marcia Williams as they are enjoyable things to learn about even if you are already confident about the topic. This book particularly is one of the most interesting books I have read about WW1.
I would like to say that I would recommend this to my friends because it is a thrilling comic and it will always make me excited to read what happens next.
By Thomas
5. This ‘scrapbook' is about World War I from a 10 year old boy's point of view. It's very interesting to read about how Archie thought why the war was happening, especially considering what we now know much more about what happened.
The book showed a typical boy doing what he does best - writing and collecting things for his dusty, old book, but what he didn't know is that he created a proper fiction book with real facts.
I really enjoyed reading this book and opening the letters that told me about how life was like in the trenches. It was also very moving, seeing the way he had to move on, after such sad things happened to him at such a young age, I would definitely recommend this book to all ages.
By Enerel
6. This book is based on a young 10 year old boy named Archie and his life at war. I enjoyed this book because it had flaps to open and letters to read. The history in this book was realistic because it talks about life during WW1, the importance of poppies and conditions in the trenches.
In 1914 Archie was given this book, shortly after the pages began to fill up with fascinating facts, letters and flaps to open. This scrapbook is full of a unique history of one young person's life during the Great War. It is beautifully written and draws you into that period in time. I particularly liked Archie's character- smart, kind and full of crazy ideas. The story also made me want to find out more about history and what it was like to live during WW1.
Archie's War will enthral all readers and will be sure to make them laugh and cry!
By Jess
7. The book is about a 10 year old boy; Archie Albright, who is given a scrapbook on his birthday by Uncle Teddy. On 3rd August 1914 a war breaks out and Archie faces many difficulties from this moment on, slowly his life changes...
Archie's War is audience appropriate and it is very clear what kind of readers it is aiming for: children in general. This is a fantastic book and I found it very historically fascinating.
It is funny, moving and gives a real insight into the life and thoughts of a child whose father is away fighting in the trenches for Britain's allies [Britain's friends]. The cartoons, lift-up flaps and photos add to the enjoyment. One drawback to this book is the fancy, small handwriting especially Uncle Teddy's. It is hard to read fluently - I had to stop and read each word individually and figure out what it might be!
Overall I think this book is one of my all-time favourites. I would recommend this to children 8+, who will be instantly interested just by looking at its cover, especially as it is very colourful. This book inspired me to take the time to read more books about the topic, including ‘My War Diary, by Flessie Albright' which is about Archie Albright's daughter and her diary during the second war.
Rating: 5/5
By Ghajana
8. I truly enjoyed this book because the illustrations were very descriptive and there were envelopes and letters that you could pop out and read. This was great because it added to the scrapbook effect of the book
I think the reason why the book stood out so much was because the history was realistic and it made it feel like you were Archie, running around trying to escape from bombs, witnessing your father join the army, seeing your mum work in a factory until her face is yellow and other heart-breaking events. The story is quite emotional because during the war Archie's uncle, Uncle Teddy, is killed along with other men. This event makes the reader feel like they are actually there, experiencing the loss of someone in WW1.
Marcia Williams‘s books are really adventurous and I would recommend this book to everyone, in particular to those who love historical fiction.
By Haleema
9. The book is about a 10 year old boy; Archie Albright. He is given a scrapbook for his birthday, which he thinks he'll fill with comics and funny stories about his family. However on the 3rd August 1914, a war breaks out and slowly, Archie Albright's life begins to change...
I like the way the author [Marcia Williams] has introduced the characters, especially with the picture and a very important fact on page 33. One part that really stood out to me was the letter that Marcia Williams creates -it is very emotional because it gave me an idea of how awful the war was. It touched my heart and made me realise how lucky I am that I didn't have to be there, fighting in a war.
The ending also really broke my heart because throughout the book the characters had really come alive and it was upsetting to read about what happens to them during the war.
I rate this book 5 out of 5 and would recommend it to other children my age because they would be able to understand about World War One.
By Lavena
10. To be honest, I enjoyed this scrapbook immensely, all the pictures were beautiful and it looked like as if a child wrote this book, which made it SOOOOOOOOOO REALISTIC!!!!!
This book is about a little boy called Archie whose parents fight the Germans in WW1. This wasn't easy for Archie, his family had to pay the price for peace.
There is a special character that I really empathised with - Uncle Teddy, his death made my heart bleed with sorrow. But sadly, his death was needed to help stop the war. I think that this story is realistic because it made me think about my family in the Sri Lanka war. I do not want to write about what happened there because it was disgusting but the book helped me think about it.
Even though the events happened ages ago this book made me want to find more about WW1 history - Marcia Williams, you've done a good job!
By Thurijan
11. I like this book because I like how Archie has drawn his flaps and you can lift them up. Also, I like all of the different pictures. Furthermore I like it because it is real information. And it has small pictures so you can fit more speech bubbles in and more characters and pictures.
I didn't like how Archie has drawn the man on the toilet I think it is quite rude.
I will give this book 10 out of 10 because I think the title is interesting and the blurb sounds really exciting.
By Faith - Year 2
12. I like this book because it has lots of things to open and I like the pictures. Also I like all of the different colours. I like all of the real information and I like the shaped speech bubbles.
I didn't like this book because some of the pictures are too small.
I will give this book 30 out of 30 because it has real information. J
By Leon - Year 2
13. The book managed to bring Archie to life as a real boy. All the small stories manage to tell something important that happened to him or in the War. He tells us about his fears, his worries for his family and friends and he is really curious about everything that happens in the War such as the military equipment. He acts and thinks like a normal child similar to how any boy might think and react these days.
I liked the fact that even though his experiences are sad and sombre, he still has a humorous side whilst writing and he manages to find happy events and moment of small joys such as his birthdays or the Christmas and Easter holidays.
I found it difficult to read some of the letters in the scrapbook. I also found that there was too much information on the pages and I worried I might miss a key part of the story.
This book is not for everyone! I think children aged 9 and above, and who are interested in World War I stories from a point of view of a child would certainly enjoy this book. However, in order to really appreciate and enjoy Archie's full story, they must also be willing to be patient and read through all of the facts on the pages.
By Adam