The Dangerous Discoveries of Gully Potchard
By Julia Lee

1. This book is set in the Victorian times and it really shows me what it was like back then. There is also a special character with psychic powers who I think is brilliant! Although I kept being surprised by this book, especially because the events are sometimes unbelievable, the history however is realistic- particularly because the author uses historic words. The Dangerous Discoveries of Gully Potchard made me want to read more books about history because it made me want to find what it was like in the past.
Personally, I think the book is very interesting because there is lots of drama and action throughout it, especially when Gully is forced to meet Nathan Boldree (his childhood bully) in an alleyway. He gets mixed up in all sorts of skulduggery and trickery and soon doubts his actions when he is fired from his job as a delivery boy. He then meets a girl called Agnes Glass, a character who I like because she is friendly and considerate. Gully, who was a troublesome boy, starts to change his behaviour and instead becomes a hero. However he then runs away to an island and visits his Uncle ABC which I think is a terrible idea because running away from your mistakes doesn't make anything better - you should deal with your mistakes when they happen. Agnes is distraught when he leaves which I think is understandable because she had a new friendship on the horizon but it didn't work out. She thinks she will never see him again but she is wrong - she doesn't know what is ahead of her...
If you want to find out more I suggest you read this book for yourself and see how amazing this book is. I would recommend this book to my friends.
By Angela
2. Overall, I didn't like this book because I wasn't interested in the story. The beginning part of the book was amazing; I especially liked the part when Gully had to meet a bully named Narmy, who wanted Gully to steal a cat. However, as the story continued, I wasn't as excited as I first was about the characters and the storyline. The period in history interested me and I would happily read a different Historical-Fiction book but I would not recommend this book.
By Nithurshan
3. I think this book is very mysterious and draws the reader's attention in with its eye catching front cover. However, once I started reading I wasn't entirely gripped by it, there was only some suspense and a no twist in a tale (which I always enjoy). I found myself being able to predict the ending of the book roughly half way through reading it.
The main character is a boy, Gully, who works as a delivery boy. During his life, he bumps into a childhood bully, and that's when he has to make difficult choices and everything goes wrong for him...
Something I did really like about this book was that the words were very descriptive - I learnt many new phrases whilst reading this book. Also, if you really read between the lines and focus on the history you can feel what life was like back in the 19th and 20th century. The history behind the story was something Julia Lee did really well and because of this I would rate this book 8 out of 10.
By Daanish
4. The Dangerous Discoveries of Gully Potchard is about a 14 year old boy called Gully who works as a delivery boy at Janners Printers. When he bumps into a childhood bully, everything starts to go wrong...
The main character is Imperia Barnicott but everyone calls him Gully Potchard. This story is beautifully written and the words are extremely descriptive and it really creates an image of the characters and settings in your head.
I would recommend this book to my friends and family because this story really draws you into the world of Gully Potchard. It also has a lot of suspense which encourages the reader to keep turning the pages.
By Lavena
5. This book wasn't the right book for me. Sadly it didn't hook me in straight away because I found it really hard to read because of the strange language. Some of the characters spoke with an accent, I think it was from London and it made it hard for me to read. I think the author was trying to make it interesting by having lots of conversation but for me it didn't work because it was just too tricky to sound out and read the words. I would have preferred to know more about the story before having to work out allthe difficult words and the strange way people spoke. Words like "bin" instead of "been" and other words like bloomin', ain't, l'd've and many more took time to figure out and stopped me getting into the story from the beginning.
The main character is called Gutly Potchard and at the beginning he worked for a printer called Janners. It was interesting that all of the children in Gully's family were named after the place where they were born. My favourite character was Agnes Glass who wasn't in Gully's family, as you can probably tellfrom her normal name.
Agnes had a cat called Oscar who she had lost and she didn't go to school. She had a school room and a lady came to teach her each morning. When Gully came she showed him all around and I liked the sound of the art room. Agnes asked Gully to help her to find her cat by getting some posters printed at Janners Stationers.
I didn't think this book was very realistic as you wouldn't find someone everyday named after Whitby and not many people have a teacher who comes to their house.
Luckily we don't get many kidnapping and ransom notes either. lt felt like it was written in the past so I think it was a bit historical and the place names that Gully's family were called after were real but you can tell it is not a true story.
I would recommend this book to my big brother because he Iikes things from the past and this does feel old fashioned. I think someone who has more reading experience might enjoy it more than me. lf all of this author's books are written in this style I would prefer not to read any more.
By Grace
6. The incident concerned began when young Agnes Glass asked for some posters advertising her missing cat Oscar. But when an old friend showed up, it all got a bit out of hand. A few minor crimes occurred, including some missing dogs. When a child was kidnapped apparently Gulliver was the hero. Who would have thought!
My impressions of this Agnes are that she is a dependable, loving child, who is very fond of her cat. And this Potchard boy, well, he really cares for others, especially Agnes.
I have found this story one of the much more interesting cases during my career. But not all of it was very convincing. I did find it a bit unreal that an eight year old can travel to her uncle's house without being seen. And no-one even noticed that she was gone.
Personally I would use this case to train officers in training as it teaches you that someone can turn out to be something completely different than you first thought.
By Nina
7. This book wasn't the right book for me. Sadly it didn't hook me in straight away because I found it really hard to read because of the strange langue. Some of the characters spoke in a funny why, I think it was from London and it made it hard for me to read. I think the author was trying to make it interesting by having lots of convocation but it didn't really work for me because it was Just to tricky for me to read.
I would prefer to know more about the story before having to work out the tricky words and the strange way people spoke. Words like "bin" instead of "been" and other words like bloomin', ain't, I'd've and many more took time to figure out and stopped me getting into the story from the beginning.
The main character was called gully potchard and at the beginning he worked at a printers called ‘Janners'.it was interesting that all of the children in gullys family were named after the place they were born. My favourite character was Agnes Glass who wasn't in Gullys family, as you can probably tell by his name.
Agnes Glass had a cat called Oscar who she had lost. Agnes Glass did not go to school. She had a school room and a lady came to teach her each morning. When gully came she showed him all around the house and I liked the sound of the arch room. Agnes asked Gully if he could find her cat by getting some posters printed at ‘Janners'
I didn't think this book was very realistic as you wouldn't find someone everyday named after Whitby and not many people have a teacher who comes to their house. Luckily we don't get many kidnappings and ransom notes either. It felt like it was written in the past so I think it was a bit historical and the place names that gully's family were called after were real but you can tell it is not a true story.
I would recommend this book to my big brother because he likes things from the past and this does seem old fashioned. I think someone who has more reading experienced might enjoy it more than me. If all of the authors books are written in this style I would be prefer not to read anymore.
By Grace
8. This book wasn't my idea of an adventure, it was to jampacked and had too many things happing at one time.
This book was about a boy called Gully who gets mixed up with a bunch of crimanls. His cousin Whitby and neice Impey must try and help him before its too late. Can they? Read to find out.
This period of time was hard to find since it was fiction. I rate it 6/10 since it wasn't my taste.
By Ella
9. The story is set around the 1920s and is centred in Southampton. The story is about a boy called Gully Potchard who is a slave and works for a horrible man called Nathan Boarhee. Gully Potchard never means to cause any trouble, but he is always up to mischief. It is not unusual for Gully to "save the day."
The things I liked about this book was set in the olden times. The thing I found interesting was that the author used old words.
I didn't like that the story wasn't set around Gully going on an adventure. I like excitement and drama in books and I thought that this book didn't have many exciting chapters.
I rate this book2/5 and would say this book is for girls and boys.
By Connor