Her Majesty's League of Remarkable Young Ladies

By Alison D Stegert (Chicken House)

Her Majesty's League of Remarkable Young Ladies

Review by Grace, Edmonton County School, London
This book was incredible and lovely experience to read. One of the most iconic characters is Clancy, his carefree attitude and personality makes him a funny and interesting character to read about. This accompanies well the capable smart character Winifred Weatherby, Winnie, who is charming and an absolute star in this story. I knew a little about this period of time, but more after reading this. It may be fiction, but it is based on fact, and most characters (Including Ms Campbell) were real. In the back of the book there is an interesting fact file which includes humour, facts and accounts of characters who were real. This book does inspire me to learn more about this time period. I would recommend this to most readers, as it includes drama, mystery, action, suspense, humour, and much more.

Review by Agatha, St Mary’s RC High School Hereford
My favourite character is Winnie (14 years old), I really like how she is such an amazing inventor and that she is following her father’s steps to becoming one of the best inventors. I like this book because I am a fan of books about people who follow their dreams in this case Winnie dreams of becoming a top inventor. I also love that she is then called up into a league of young ladies guarding her Majesty, the Queen. I would recommend this book to children/people who like adventure within the book and who enjoy reading books about the Victorian Time. The cover of the book looks very interesting and quite detailed. I had my eye on this book because of the cover. The cover made it look like a book that I would enjoy reading and after reading the blurb I knew I would like this book and I was right. The book is full of adventure, and I really enjoyed reading it.

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