City of Stolen Magic

By Nazneed Ahmed Pathak (Puffin)

City of Stolen Magic

Review by Ayesha, Witton Park Academy Blackburn
This phenomenal book is a historical fantasy written by a renowned writer and historian, Nazneed Ahmed Pathak, as her debut. The book takes you on an epic adventure where Chompa finds herself stuck and lonely before her quick-thinking and wits get her friends - some lifelong and some not- helping her find her missing mother. There are plot twists that will take your breath away and characters with some unforgettable personalities!

Reading this, I was absolutely blown away and was almost sad that it finished so quickly! It was truly the most breathtaking magical book I have ever set my eyes on. Champa’s character journey is one of my favourite things about the young heroine. The fact that she went from being childish and stubborn to a passionate leader is incredible and really shows her growth so clearly.

What I found most unique about this book was the fact that the book was left on a cliffhanger which sets it aside from many books I’ve read. Also the way so many different cultures were portrayed was so heartwarming to see especially since you do not see that a lot these days!

Review by Isaac, The Kingston Academy, Surrey
The time it was set interested me as I like to read fiction that has a link to the past world and contains real world events/people. I found Mohsin the most interesting as he is like a fatherly character that protects and teaches Chompa what he knows. I don’t really have a character I hate, even the villains because they were essential to make the book interesting. I learnt that people with talent in countries Britain had colonised were abducted and forced to work. I think this is a metaphor to the slave trade in the past. The plot was kind of relaxing, but with sudden serious bits that made it interesting. One thing that I didn’t like about the book was the cover and title as it was not really relevant to the book. I would probably recommend the book to my sister and also my close friends.

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