Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at GCSE
A meeting of representatives of the history community, 29 June 2022

As part of our ongoing work to support a rich and diverse history curriculum of all and for all, we held a meeting in June 2022 where we heard from some of those teaching GCSE history about the opportunities and barriers faced in diversifying their history teaching post-14, and from representatives of the main examination boards on the issues they face bringing more diverse histories into the specifications.
The aim of this intense discussion on 29 June was to look at the current situation and explore ways forward for history at GSCE. The notes and next steps from that meeting along with powerpoints from a number of those presenting are available on this page.
We are committed to continuing this work and to discussing these concerns with a wide range of stakeholders, including policy makers.
Attached files:
- Diversity Steering Group GCSE Stakeholder Meeting notes, 29 June 2022
76.9 KB Word document - Programme of the day and introductions
3.43 MB Powerpoint presentation - AQA exam board: Diversity and representation in AQA history
2.76 MB Powerpoint presentation - Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Pearson Edexcel GCSE History
943.4 KB PDF document - Teacher A presentation: Harris Federation: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
12.7 MB Powerpoint presentation - Teacher B presentation: Teaching the AQA History GCSE
1.64 MB Powerpoint presentation - Teacher C presentation: Britain: Power and the people 1170–current day
10.57 MB Powerpoint presentation - Teacher D presentation: Reflections on the OCR GCSE course
7.26 MB Powerpoint presentation - Teacher E presentation: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at GCSE
2.49 MB Powerpoint presentation - Teacher F presentation
1.99 MB Powerpoint presentation