War Girls
By Various

1. I enjoyed reading this book, it answered many questions that I had to do with women during WWI due to the fact we had not yet covered that particular subject in school and personally I think had a clear historical reference. It must have been a challenge to be able to combine all the emotions of the war including loss, love and the thought that hope is stronger than fear within a book but through this excellent collection of short stories these top authors take us through a journey and teach both teenagers and adults about the life changing effects of the war. 'War Girls' is a unique WWI fiction book, different to any I have ever read before, it wasn't just filled with facts about brave men or tragic battles, but emotional and beautifully written short stories about the women of whom were left behind on the Home Front. I would highly recommend this book especially if it's for an educational purpose as it shows the war from a different perspective as to which we learnt in school. As shown within the book, the First World War changed and shaped our generation of women nowadays, if the war had never had happened, women would have never have been given the opportunity to show their capability of being equal to men. This book makes me thankful for how women's rights are in today's society, we are free to work and have equality with men very much unlike before both the First and Second World War! Personally I feel that the First World War is almost forgotten about within fiction compared to the Second World War, I seem to find that there are many more books etc. written on WWII than WWI and I very much enjoyed the fact that this book was based on the First World War and was different to the average book of which has any relation to war. I believe the authors of whom are Adele Geras, Melvin Burgess, Berlie Doherty, Mary Hooper, Rowena House, Sally Nicholls and Theresa Breslin, did a fantastic job in portraying and tackling this important and life changing event in History within just 272 pages. I would delightedly read another book by any of these authors, as I enjoyed all of their short stories, especially if it was to benefit me academically. For anyone taking GCSE History this book is a must and I would highly recommend you not just read it but to buy it too as I believe it will help you in your future efforts within KS4.
By Brooke
2. I really enjoyed this book about women during WWI. We had done a bit in school about Women in the War and the impact of the war on their rights and society's view of women but this went into a lot more depth which made it really interesting. The focus in school is generally of men's experience in battle and to read about how the women suffered and coped with their losing their men to the war was quite fascinating and different. It made me want to find out more about impact of war on women and grateful for all the work women put in to getting more rights and creating a more equal society.
By Katya
3. I just loved these short stories about women who were directly involved in the First World War. Each story is different and is written in a different style. I felt that it gave the reader a snapshot into some of the significant events during this period of history. I have not read much about this war and thought it quite moving at times.
I usually enjoy reading only novels but this was really good and it had a fantastic story at the end of the book. 9/10
By Alice
4. This is a brilliant book. In one place we have powerful stories of women's lives in the First World War. I would never have thought about ‘spare women' before. I cried when I read the story of Merle. I gave it to my mum to read as she wanted to know what I was reading and she loved it as well.
Just brilliant in every way. 10/10.
By Lauren