Winter's Bullet
By William Osborne

1. Winter's Bullet was really exciting and it had lots of action and adventure which I really enjoy. Tygo has to try to become a hero and save the Netherlands from a war by finding out about Hitler's weapons of mass destruction. This was a really interesting way to find out about life in WWII as we always focus on Britain and Germany rather than any other countries and so I would now like to find out a bit more about these other occupied countries as it sounds quite exciting to find out about people who were trying to stop the Nazis as this was extremely dangerous. I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in finding out more about life in Europe in WWII as it was really exciting and I didn't want to stop reading.
By Scott
2. Winter's Bullet set in the Netherlands when it was occupied by the Nazis. Tygo (the main character) is forced by the Nazis to loot homes in order to support his family but he hates his job. He then decides to trade information in order to find out about Hitler's weapon of mass destruction and try to stop a war. I really enjoyed this book as there was loads of action and adventure and it fitted really well with what we are learning about in school at the moment except our focus was Britain and events in WWII so it was interesting to see what was happening in other parts of Europe. I am looking forward to Osborne's next book and hope it will be as exciting as this one.
By Stuart
3. I loved this book, it really captured the history of the Second World War. I think this book is really realistic, after I had read it, it made me want to find out more about the Second World War. I am definitely going to read more by this author. This is an amazing book, it is outstanding.
By Shakira
4. I found the story amazing as it gave me a new perspective on those forced to work for the Nazis and those trying to get Adolf Hitler. My favourite character was Willa as she just seemed so sweet. I thought the history in the book was very enlightening as I am studying the Nazis for my History GCSE. I would read other books by this author as it was extremely enjoyable. I can't wait to read another book by William Osbourne.
By Rebecca
5. Do you like books about battle and war?
Then this is the book for you. I highly recommend this tragic, adventurous story. A young boy named Tygo (the ferret) is told and forced by the evil Nazis to search some abandoned Dutch houses for jewellery, money and other valuables. Everybody including his friends and family try to convince Tygo not to proceed but he has no choice, it is the only way to survive. Whilst on his mission, he meets a young girl hiding in a small brick chimney- could she know the whereabouts of an expensive diamond? Should he risk his life to find the priceless diamond or bargain everything to stop the war and kill Hitler? Find out what happens in this thrilling story.
By Bethany
6. I thought that Winter's Bullet was a really well written book. The plot was interesting but not too complex and the historical accuracy was very good with the majority of characters real. One thing I really liked was the infrequent use of German. It made the story more realistic. The only thing I did not like was the ending. I think it was not complete and that there were too many questions left unanswered.
By Jack
7. Winter's Bullet is an exciting book all about the adventures of a boy in Germany occupied Holland. What is interesting is it provides a view point of the people who gave in to the Nazis against many locals agreement. It shows how they weren't just cowards or wanting to do the best for themselves. It has an eye-catching cover and makes you want to read it however the blurb gives away too much of the story, some of which you do not find out until very near the end. The book is fairly exciting throughout however it can feel like the plot is being drawn out for longer than it needs to be at times. Overall it is an enjoyable read but has a very revealing plot.
By Tom
8. I found this book extremely interesting, it taught me a lot about history, this book gave me a sense of what it was like in World War 11, it was a thrilling, emotional and brilliant book all rolled into one.
As I sat in my bed each night I honestly found it difficult to put the book down. As I read on and on, I felt as though I was right next to the main character, Tygo, the whole way through the book, sharing his feelings and emotions as well as being able to visualise what was happening throughout the book.
The only thing I didn't like about this book was that when you come to the end you expect so much more to happen but it comes to a cliff-hanger ending but in a way this is a good thing- it keeps the reader guessing!
In conclusion I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone, I think people would find it most interesting at my age- 13. I would give this book 5/5 stars undoubtedly. I also think this book would make a spectacular movie because of all the action and emotion in it.
By Carla
9. Normally I read books that are part of a series. Series are excellent at keeping you hooked. However, every once in a while I find a rare single book that I love and cannot put down. Winters Bullet is NOT one of these books. I found Winters Bullet by William Osborne slow paced in a bad way that makes you want to put the book down and not pick it up. This however may only apply for younger readers like my-self and maybe the adult reader would find this interesting. The book is set in the Second World War, in Germany and is about a boy who raids houses for the Gestapo. He is forced into doing so and if he refuses they would kill him. The resistance fighters are constantly trying to kill our character, whose name is Tygo, because he is classed as a collaborator. His commander is looking for a rare stone, that a girl he saw in a chimney may know the location of. This stone would help win the war. Tygo has a tough decision to secure his life or to kill Hitler. All the way through you are promised action to come but none does. If I was asked to recommend this book to a friend, I would not. I would rate this book two stars out of five on the terms of I have explained above.
By Aube