Young Quills reviews 2023
The Young Quills Awards for best historical fiction for young people
Published: 4th May 2023

The Young Quills books for each year must be published for the first time in English in the year preceding the competition – so 2022 for this year’s selection. Divided by age suitability the books are given to schools on the condition that the children and young people there write a review of the book following our criteria. Those reviews are used as the basis for us to create the shortlist from which the winners are selected – see this year's shortlist.
You can read some of the children and young people's reviews of all this year's books via the links below:
For young readers ages 7–11
For intermediate readers 11–13 years
- The Battle of Cable Street
- Journey Back to Freedom
- Nisha’s War
- When the War Came Home
- Resist
- Rosie Raja: Churchill’s Spy
- Please Write Soon
- The Book of Stolen Dreams
- Dick Kerr Girls: All Together Now
- Dogs of the Deadlands
- The Elemental Detectives
- Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquis
- Fin and the Memory Curse
- The Good Turn
- The Lizzie and Belle Mysteries: drama and danger
- Magicborn
- The Mermaid and the Millpond
- The Ministry of Unladylike Activity
- The Misunderstandings of Charity Brown
- My Friend the Octopus
- Never Forget You
- The Secret of the Treasure Keepers
- The Story of Babur
- The Tale of Truthwater Lake
- The Three Hares: The Terracotta Horse
- The Titanic Tunnel
- The Whisperling