The Armada Campaign of 1588
Classic Pamphlet

The most ambitious military operation of the 16th
Between 1585 and 1588 a state of undeclared war existed between England and Spain. During the course of those years, Philip II devised a plan for the 'Enterprise of England'. It was probably the most ambitious military operation of the sixteenth century: a massive invasion to be mounted jointly by a fleet sent from Spain under Alonso Perez de Muznan, dike of Medina Sidonia and the Army of Flanders commanded by Alexander Farnese, duke of Parma.
Between 18 and 20 May 1588 the 130 ships of the Felicissima Armada left Lisbon harbour. Two months later 124 of them reacherd the mouth of the Enhlish Channel. The following fortnight saw a naval battle that has become one of the best known of European history. Sir John Hawkins called it 'a matter far passing all that hath been seen in our time or long before'. Yet if contemporaries had no doubts about it's significance, the way it was conducted and its results have remained subjects of controversy and debate.
This pamphlet deals with that debate.
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