Black Death in China Podcast

Authors: Rosalind Catherall, Ellie Jarman, Saffron Roberts, Samantha Barnard and Evie Skidmore

Our podcast follows our interviewer questioning their way through our research, with interviewees exploring the topic of Jewish Tudors, highlighting and disproving false stereotypes around the topic, and demonstrating the importance of diversifying the curriculum with theirs and similar research. Linking to the GCSE curriculum, the podcast explores Shakespeare’s play, “Merchant of Venice”, using this to demonstrate negative and incorrect stereotypes of Jewish Tudors, and goes on to compare this with the reality of Jewish Tudors, exploring the lives of figures such as Rodrigo Lopez and Hector Nunes. These figures are linked with events already in the curriculum, to demonstrate important roles played by Jewish figures, as well as allowing exploration of the reality of Jewish religions and their lifestyles.

Podcast: Black Death in China

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