Widening the early modern world to create a more connected KS3 curriculum
Teaching History article

Readers of this journal will be familiar with a number of ways of approaching the Tudors. Kerry Apps provides here an article detailing her concerns about the differences between what she had been delivering at Key Stage 3 and the broader, connected experience she had as an undergraduate historian. How could she show her students that the world of early modern England was connected both chronologically and geographically to the other worlds around it? Her solution, detailed here as a ten-lesson sequence, was to focus on the ‘other’ people in the country at the time, from John Blanke the trumpeter to Portuguese Conversos, to the Moroccan ambassador. She shows how, by constructing such a sequence, she both challenged her students’ pre-existing ideas about who was in early modern England and showed how this part of the Key Stage 3 course at her school fitted into all the other parts, analytically and in terms of the grand narrative...
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