Redesigning the curriculum: a short guide for the new, novice or nervous
By Helen Snelson, published 28th June 2019
Help! Where do we start?
A short guide to making a start with redesigning the curriculum
We realise that the task of curriculum redesign is huge and these steps are to help you make a start.
It's also important to note that Heather Fearn, Ofsted Curriculum and Development lead, has said:
- that Ofsted is NOT expecting teachers to give up their summers to have a completely updated curriculum ready by September. The curriculum is an organic and evolving thing and it is the clear progress on the journey that is the key.
- that curriculum is about WHAT is taught and should not be confused with teaching and learning strategies which are about the HOW.
- that “Intent is not a statement. It is your curriculum plans ‐ the outline of what you intend children should learn. This outline of your curriculum is probably held in schemes of learning not a statement.” (@Twitter 16/6/19).
Attached is a help-sheet with practical steps you can take and questions to ask as you start to redesign the curriculum.
Attached files:
- Starting curriculum redesign - helpsheet
71.4 KB PDF document