The International Journal Volume 11, Number 1

Volume 11.1
Eleni Apostolidou Teaching and Discussing Historical Significance with 15 year-old students in Greece
Manuela Carvalho and Isabel Barca Students' Use of Historical Evidence in European Countries
P. Checkley and C. Checkley ‘Future Teachers of the Past' - An initial analysis of Initial Teacher Training students and their preparation to teach Primary History
Marc Andre Ethier, David Lefrancois Francis Dupuis-Deri and Stephenie Demers New Textbooks and the Twenty first century Programmes for Middle and High Schools: an analysis of history textbooks from Quebec
Harry Havekes, Carla von Boxtel, Peter-Arno Coppen and Johan Luttenburg Knowing And Doing History: A Contextual Framework And Pedagogy For Teaching Historical Contextualisation
Terence Honing, Wout Claessens and Wilfried Admiraal Effects of the Use of Concept Maps on Historical Overview Knowledge
Danijela Trskan City Squares - A Project Involving Swedish, Italian And Slovenian Upper Secondary Schools - The Role Of Common Localities In Establishing Historical Links Across Europe
Georg Kokkinos, Eleni Stephanou and Zeta Papandreou Greek Society's Confrontation with the Traumas Caused by National Socialism: the case of the Distomo Massacre June 10th. 1944
Kieren Lusted Does Early Years Education have a Role in Creating Children's Notion of Difference and Diversity
Mary N. Ntabeni Lesotho Government Policies and History Education in the twenty-first Century
Danijela Trskan Past into Present: Civic Education And Citizenship In Slovenian History Curricula
Arthur Chapman 'They' have come to differing opinions because of their differing interpretations: Developing 16-19 year-old English Students' Understandings of Historical Interpretation through On-line Inter-institutional Discussion
Alexander Maxwell Provincialism and Cosmopolitanism in University History Teaching: A Ten-Country Sample of Course Offerings
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- International Journal of History Teaching Learning and Research 11.1
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