The International Journal Volume 8 Number 2


Published: 20th October 2009

Volume 8.2

The International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR] was founded to provide an international medium for reporting on History Education.

Articles in the edition:

Erinc Erdal and Ruken Akar Vural Teaching History through Drama: the ‘Armenian Deportation'

Terry Haydn and Richard Harris Children's ideas about what it means ‘to get better' at History: a view from the United Kingdom

Alan Hodkinson To date or not to date, that is the question: a critical examination of the employment of subjective time phrases in the teaching and learning of primary history

Alan Hodkinson Are boys really better than girls at History? A critical examination of gender-related attainment differentials within the English educational system 

Giorgos Kokkinos, Panagiotis Gatsotis, Vassiliki Sakka and Charalabos Kourgiantakis World History In Greek primary and secondary education

Alan McCully and Alison Montgomery Knowledge, skills and dispositions: educating history teachers in a divided society

Alison Messer For us it was very much made our own: how beginning teachers develop collaborative creativity online

Robert Parkes Teaching History as historiography: engaging narrative diversity in the curriculum

William B Russell III and Jeffrey Byford Fostering discussion through case studies in the history classroom: a case study of high school students

Carla van Boxtel and Jannet van Drie Enhancing historical reasoning: a key topic in dutch History education

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