Disability history resources

Disabled people are part of the fabric of every society past and present, yet the stories, achievements and struggles of disabled people have often been hidden or marginalised by societies who refuse to adapt. Coping with disability, societal attitudes towards disability and the stories, voices and contributions of disabled people are a vital part of the picture. At the HA, we know that finding good quality resources to support teaching are not always easy to find. We are working to build up our own resources and we have curated the list of links below to other external resources that will be useful.
HA resources
Hidden in plain sight: the history of people with disabilities
Recorded webinar: Prosthetics and assistive technology in ancient Greece and Rome
Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history
Disability and the Tudors (One Big History Department blog)
State of the Field: Disability History
Resources from other organisations
Resources for teaching the history of people with disability | Yorkclio
Resources archive | UK Disability History Month
Disability history | Borthwick Institute for Archives
Disability History Month illustrated book | UK parliament: learning
A History of Disability: from 1050 to the Present Day | Historic England
A Disability History Timeline: The struggle for equal rights through the ages | NHS North-West
Quick guide: Disability history | Leonard Cheshire
Timeline of learning disability history | The Open University
The UK’s unwritten history of disability | Disability Horizons