Lessons with strong literacy links
Published: 24th January 2011

Please note: these resources pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum.
All history lessons have literacy links. The following lessons on this website have particularly strong links with literacy and the Literacy Hour.
- Urban spaces near you - cross-curricular work history, literacy, art & design, and science
- The Aztec experience persuasion genre: producing a holiday brochure
- Greek myths reference and presentation skills
- Ancient Greece - The Iliad reading and writing poetry
- Archimedes and the Syracusan War helps to develop an understanding of the comic genre
- Celtic Britain the land the Romans conquered Year 3 text level work, and the travel brochure genre
- Caesar lands reading a difficult and challenging text
- Boudicca building up vocabulary, reading and writing poems
- The end of Roman Britain building up vocabulary, reading and writing poems
- Vikings: Egils Saga Year 5: 'novels, stories and poems from a variety of cultures and traditions'. Year 6: 'a range of poetic forms including kennings'
- Saxon settlers reading/writing genres: instructions and chronicle writing
- Sutton Hoo writing reports on artefacts
- Viking travel How did the Vikings travel so far from their homeland? - reading information texts; adjectives; sentence structure
- How the Tudors came to power pictorial note-taking, account-writing
- Queen Elizabeth I reading texts, adjectives
- Tudor Tempest understanding a difficult text (Shakespeare) through story/drama
- Dissolution of the monasteries - Haughmond Abbey using text-breaker to read 16th-century texts; poetry as Egil's Saga above
- Tudor portraits - who am I? using a glossary
- Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London reading Pepys' diary and diary-writing
- The Great Plague of London reading challenging texts (Year 2)
- Brunel and Clifton Suspension Bridge using a picture as text
- Houses - Artefacts from the past writing about artefacts (Year 1)
- Victorian Britain - Henry at boarding school reading difficult and challenging texts
- Slate mining in Victorian times two genres: autobiography and report-writing
- Victorian Britain: investigating two mining disasters reading difficult and challenging texts