Cleopatra Podcast
Branch Lecture Podcast

This pod-cast was recorded at the Central London Branch of the Historical Association on Saturday 20th February 2010, at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London. We were pleased to welcome cultural historian Lucy Hughes-Hallet to the branch to speak on ‘Cleopatra'. Lucy Hughes-Hallet detailed how fact and legend about Cleopatra had been intertwined through history in a way that reflected the values, perceptions and prejudices of the time.
An audience of about 30 people enjoyed the lecture, which was followed by questions before adjourning to the Common Room for refreshments and informal discussions. Lucy Hughes-Hallet also brought copies of her books, 'Heroes - Saviours, Traitors and Supermen', and 'Cleopatra - Queen, Lover, Legend'. Our only regret was that we had not invited her before Christmas because the books would have solved the problem of Christmas gifts for many of the audience.
Cleopatra - part 1
Cleopatra - part 2
Cleopatra - Part 3
Attached files:
- Cleopatra Lecture Part 1 (12 mins)
11.79 MB MP3 file - Cleopatra Part 2 (12 mins)
12.32 MB MP3 file - Cleopatra Part 3 (10 mins)
9.04 MB MP3 file