
Starting with the nineteenth century and bringing us right up to the debates of today this section contains many insightful podcasts that explore the recent and current world around us. Included here are the arguments around the legacy of war and the impact of social change. The history of social and civil movements and modern debate about religion and technology. Read more

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  • British-Irish Gypsy Traveller History (Part 2)


    In this second of two podcasts Dr Becky Taylor, Reader in Modern History at the University of East Anglia and Editor-in-Chief of 'History: The Journal of the Historical Association' is once again asked questions by Helen Snelson, Chair of HA Secondary Committee. Part Two focuses on the big stories of...

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  • British-Polish relations and the British Polish community


    In this podcast Professor Sam Knapton (University of Nottingham) discusses the development of the relationship between Britain and Poland in the 20th and early 21st centuries, the growth and experience of the British Polish community after World War II and Poland's accession to the EU, and looks at the influence...

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  • Charles Darwin's Early Life & the Voyage of the Beagle


    In this podcast Professor Jim Secord and Dr Alison Pearn of the Darwin Correspondence Project look at Darwin's early life, education and the Voyage of the Beagle.

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  • Chartism and the Anti-Corn Law League


    In this series of videos, produced by Royal Holloway, University of London, staff and students examine two of the most important reform movements of the early nineteenth century: Chartism and the Anti-Corn Law League, contrasting their tactics, leadership and success. The playlist also contains a number of readings of Chartist...

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  • Crime and Punishment in Wales: 1700-1830


    In this podcast Dr Catherine Horler-Underwood of the Cardiff University looks at crime and punishment in Wales between 1700 and 1830.

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  • Darwin and the Origin of Species


    In this podcast Professor Jim Secord and Dr Alison Pearn of the Darwin Correspondence Project look at how Darwin developed his theory of evolution by natural selection and the significance of his publication: The Origin of Species.

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  • Darwin: Human Evolution & Darwin's Legacy


    In this podcast Professor Jim Secord and Dr Alison Pearn of the Darwin Correspondence Project examine the significance of the publication of Darwin's 'The Descent of Man', theological controversy, Darwin's family and Darwin's legacy.

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  • Domestic impact of World War I


    In this podcast Professor Richard Grayson of Goldsmiths, University of London, looks at the domestic impact of World War I on the U.K.

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  • Early British Radicals


    In this podcast Professor Eric Evans looks at the early British radicals from Thomas Paine and Mary Wollenstoncraft to the Peterloo Massacre and the Reform Crisis.

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  • Early British Women Engineers


    In this podcast Henrietta Heald looks at some of the pioneering British women engineers of the early 20th century and the role they played in fighting for economic freedom. '"Women have won their political independence. Now is the time for them to achieve their economic freedom too." This was the...

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  • Envoi: First World War Memories


    During the recent First World War centenary many HA branches held lectures and talks about a variety of aspects of the war. Some had outings and many looked at their local war memorials or Pals Battalions. The Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch decided that as many of their members...

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  • Espionage in the 20th and 21st centuries


    In this podcast Trevor Barnes looks at the development of global intelligence and security services from their early origins to the present day. He examines at the role these services had during the two World Wars, the signficance of espionage in the development of the Cold War and the importance and...

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  • Film: Acts of Union and Disunion

    Multipage Article

    Professor Linda Colley CBE, FBA, FRSL, FRHistS is a British Historian and a Fellow of the Historical Association. At the start of 2014 she wrote and presented a BBC Radio 4 series about the Acts of Union and Disunion, now a book. Over the summer she came into the HA...

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  • First World War Poetry


    Professor Paul O’Prey has engaged international audiences with the history of First World War poetry. During the recent centenary, he also produced two new anthologies for the Imperial War Museum and published the first collected work of Mary Borden, American philanthropist and humanitarian, nurse, and wartime poet. Sound artist Mira...

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  • Gladstone and Disraeli - Reform and Rivalry


    In this podcast Professor Eric Evans discusses the relationship and rivalry between Gladstone and Disraeli and their reforms.

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  • How did the UK Women's Movement develop and change after enfranchisement?


    In this podcast Dr Anne Logan of the University of Kent looks at how the Women's Movement developed and changed in the years subsequent to achieving the vote.

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  • Law and Justice in Wales: 1543-1830


    In this podcast Dr Catherine Horler-Underwood of the Cardiff University discusses changes to law and justice in Wales from 1543 to 1830.

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  • Magna Carta today


    In this podcast Professor Justin Fisher discusses why Magna Carta is still significant today.

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  • Margaret Thatcher and her Legacy


    In this podcast Professor Eric Evans looks at the rise, fall and legacy of Margaret Thatcher's premiership.

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  • Memorialisation and the First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme


    In this podcast Simon Bendry, Programme Director for the UCL Institute of Education’s First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme, discusses the programme and its impact. This podcast was recorded as part of the Teacher Fellowship Programme on Conflict, Art and Remembrance.

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