Early British Radicals
The History of Democracy in Britain

Paine, Wollenstoncraft & Reform
In this podcast Professor Eric Evans looks at the early British radicals from Thomas Paine and Mary Wollenstoncraft to the Peterloo Massacre and the Reform Crisis.
1. Who were the early British Radicals?
2. Agitation for political reform. Political rights by virtue of being a person as opposed to being a landowner.
3. Peaceful protest feared by authorities as a potential revolutionary starting place. The Peterloo Massacre.
4. The Reform Crisis: the fall of the government and the creation of a coalition government. A sense of betrayal to the working man.
5. How serious a threat to governments were the agitations of the early 19th Century? The growth of towns and the urban workforce.
6. The Assassination of Spencer Perceval - the Cato Street conspiracy.
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