History Abridged: American Policy: theory and practice over 200 years
Historian feature

History Abridged: In this feature we take a person, time, theme or event and tell you the vast rich history in small space. A long dip into history in a shortened form. See all History Abridged articles
The ‘Monroe Doctrine’ in 1825 provided a cornerstone for future United States foreign policy. Drafted by John Quincy Adams, the Secretary of State, it was presented as part of the annual message to Congress by President James Monroe. Its central tenets essentially declared that the American continent was no longer to be a territory for future European colonization; that the political systems in America were essentially different from Europe; that the United States would regard any attempt by European powers to extend their influence in the Americas as dangerous to its peace and security; and that the United States would not interfere with existing European colonies, nor participate in purely European wars...
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