The Flight to Varennes
Historian article
By Marisa Linton, published 9th February 2017

Marisa Linton takes us on a coach journey across France
On the night of 20 June 1791 a portly middle-aged man, dressed inconspicuously in brown, with a dark green overcoat and his hair covered by a grey wig, walked out of the Tuileries palace past the guards. For the past 12 nights the Chevalier de Coigny, dressed in a similar fashion, had left the palace at the same hour. The guards had grown used to the Chevalier’s exits, and gave him barely a glance. Yet this time it was not the Chevalier, but the king himself, Louis XVI. The king was making a midnight escape from Paris, going on the run from the forces of the French Revolution...
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