Thinking beyond boundaries
HA Update

In October of last year, the Royal Historical Society (RHS) published an important report highlighting the racial and ethnic inequalities in the teaching and practice of history in the UK (RHS, 2018). Focused on history teaching at university, it nevertheless highlighted the need for thinking to occur at all levels of history teaching, in order to address the issues. Acknowledging that history is a popular subject in UK schools, the report highlights that Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) pupils are less likely than their peers to choose history for examination courses, which has an impact on under-representation in UK history departments.
The report offers advice and guidance on how to take positive action to address and diminish barriers to equality in the discipline of history. Drawing on these and broader considerations, I offer some ideas and challenges that history teachers, departments and schools might want to consider. These are offered as suggestions and with recognition that, as individuals and institutions, we all operate within a specific set of circumstances that determines where, when and how that thinking might take place...
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