Teaching History 94: Raising the Standard
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Raising the Standard of History education. WW2 cemetries and twenty years of curriculum change, Ordinary pupils, extraordinary results: a structured approach to raising attainment at GCSE, Talk to your inspector: making the most of your history inspection, Stretching the very able student in the mixed ability classroom, Year 11 and difference and much more...
Three lessons about a funeral: Second World War cemeteries and twenty years of curriculum change - Mike Murray (Read article)
Ordinary pupils, extraordinary results: a structured approach to raising attainment at GCSE - Liz Dawes and Edwin Towill (Read article)
Talk to your inspector: making the most of your history inspection - Scott Harrison (Read article)
And Joe arrives...: stretching the very able pupil in the mixed ability classroom - Kate Hammond (Read article)
Ants and the Tet Offensive: teaching Year 11 to tell the difference - Paul Jack and Emma Fearnhamm (Read article)
Move Me On: trainee is struggling to find a questioning style which will develop pupils' thinking (Read article)
Cunning Plan: Study Unit 2: Crowns, Parliaments and Peoples, 1500-1750 (Read article)
Review essay - Brush up your Hitler historiography with John D. Clare
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