Britain 1900-1918
Links to Articles & Podcasts

Depth Study
Writing the First World War - Podcasts
Richard Evans Medlicott lecture: The Origins of the First World War
Gary Sheffield: Origins of the First World War
The Suffragette Movement - Podcast
Domestic impact of World War I
First World War treaties and entrenchment
Memorial Oaks at Wolsingham School
On British Soil: Hartlepool, 16 December, 1914
Polychronicon - The transnational history of the First World War
Triumphs Show 156 - First World War
Sir Francis Dent and the First World War
Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium
Out and About First World War memorials in the heart of London
Teaching History 155: Teaching About the First World War
Polychronicon - Interpreting the Origins of of the First World War
The Origins of the First World War
Four faces of nursing and the First World War
Votes for Women in Britain 1867-1928
The Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
The Parl