Historical Story Competition 2014 Winning Stories

Write Your Own Historical Story Competition and the Joan Blyth Memorial Prize 2014 winning stories.
The competition this year has been very successful with more entries from more schools and a range of excellent stories by students across Year 5 to 9. We asked the winners if we might publish their stories here on the HA website and some of them have very kindly agreed. So here they are. The successful writers had interesting problems that drove their plot and used historical detail to establish their setting without it intruding on the narrative. Characters were well rounded, people brought to life not just by their physical description but also by what they did, said and felt.
As a teacher you may want to read the stories to see what your students are aiming for or as a reader you may want to simply read them for pleasure.
Year 5 & 6 Best Story Joan Blyth Memorial Prize 2014
‘The Great Escape' by Isaac, Year 6, Akiva School.
‘Love Me to Death' by Erin, Year 6, Finton House.
Year 7, 8 & 9 Write Your Own Historical Story Competition
‘Clontarf' by Finnegan, Year 8, International School of Geneva.
‘Brothers in Arms' by Philippe, Year 8, International School of Geneva.
‘Brutality' by Harry, Year 9, The Thomas Hardye School.
‘Perfection' by Fiona, Year 9, Davison High School for Girls.
‘The Mousetrap' by Lily, Year 7, The Godolphin & Latymer School.
‘Blush Over London' by Lucinda, Year 9, Ibstock Place School.
Short listed
Year 5 & 6 Best Story Joan Blyth Memorial Prize 2014
‘Silence' by Jessica, Year 6, St Mary's and St Peter's C of E Primary School.
‘The Amundsen Adventure' by Oliver, Year 6, St Mary's and St Peter's C of E Primary School.
‘An Unlikely Friend' by Olivia, Year 5, Bury Grammar School Girls (Junior).
Year 7, 8 & 9 Write Your Own Historical Story Competition
‘More Weight', by India, Year 8, Lawnswood School.
‘May Emmett' by Zoe, Year 9, New College Worcester.
‘To God and to the Brightest Gold' by Miriam, Year 8, Moulton School
and Science College.
‘The Lost Pirate' by Eloise, Year 9, The Romsey School.
‘Starry Night Skies and Blazing Sunsets' by Virginia, Year 8, Brigidine School.
Attached files:
- Battle of Clontarf by Finnegan
103.2 KB PDF document - Brothers in Arms by Phillipe
85.7 KB PDF document