Teaching History 139: Analysing History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Analysing History
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 From human-scale to abstract analysis: Year 7 analyse the changing relationship of Henry II and Becket - Tim Jenner (Read article)
11 Encountering diversity in the history of ideas: engaging Year 9 with Victorian debates about ‘progress' - Jonathan White (Read article)
14 Cunning Plan: Teaching about Victorian debates on progress - Jonathan White (Read article)
21 Polychronicon: Civic denouncer: The lives of Pavlik Morozov - Catriona Kelly (Read article)
24 ‘Hi George. Let me ask my leading historians ...': deconstructing lazy analogies in Year 9 - Steve Rollett (Read article)
30 Triumphs show: Whodunnit? The Felling Mining Disaster of 1812 - Matthew Greenhalgh (Read article)
32 Developing multiperspectivity through cartoon analysis: strategies for analysing different views of three watersheds in modern German history - Ulrich Schnakenberg (Read article)
41 How can students' use of historical evidence be enhanced? A research study of the role of knowledge in Year 8 to Year 13 students' interpretations of historical sources - Elisabeth Pickles (Read article)
52 Active Historical Thinking: designing learning activities to stimulate domain-specific thinking - Harry Havekes, Arnoud Aardema and Jan de Vries (Read article)
60 Move Me On: finding it difficult to teach about change and continuity in meaningful ways (Read article)
64 Mummy, mummy...
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