Careers in History Pack Year 9
Teachers' Notes

Year 9 Careers in History Pack
This pack is designed to be used as flexibly as possible - different schools may wish to use it with year groups other than Year 9 (especially if they offer an extended Key Stage Four), and to use it in different ways. For example, some schools may wish to use the individual learning resources as part of lessons, or as stand-alone homework task sheets. Other schools may wish to use it as a pack of resources that will enable students to work fairly independently on a homework project lasting roughly half a term, or to help structure an enrichment, cross-curricular or otherwise devolved from the timetable learning day of on the theme of GCSE options or careers and the world of work. The overall aim, however it is used, is to help students develop their knowledge and understanding of the value of history within the world of work, as well as their understanding of the processes through which people get jobs. Because of the particular focus of the pack, you may well want your students to complete it before they choose their options for GCSE courses, as it will help them to reflect on the things they may need to do to get into the sort of work they would like. The pack can be downloaded as both a PDF and a Word document. This is to offer you the flexibility to change tasks, or sources, to best suit your school environment and situation. In particular - and depending on whether your students are going to complete these tasks online or on paper, and other related issues, you may like to adapt the student's introduction on the next page. You may also like to adapt the task under the heading Do you have these skills, so that students are directed to other topics they have studied at school, or have to choose different topics they have studied for themselves.
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