Teaching History 135: To They or Not To They
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

To They or Not To They
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 Drilling down: how one history department is working towards progression in pupils’ thinking about diversity across Years 7, 8 and 9 – Matthew Bradshaw (Read article)
13 Cunning Plan: The generalisation game - challenging generalisations (Read article)
16 Were industrial towns ‘death-traps’? Year 9 learn to question generalisations and to challenge their preconceptions about the ‘boring’ 19th century – Kimberley Anthony (Read article)
27 Nutshell: Doing ‘diversity’ (Read article)
28 Triumphs show: How trainee teachers learned to put history back into GCSE – Claire Smith (Read article)
30 Bringing psychology into history: why do some stories disappear? – Anne Llewellyn and Helen Snelson (Read article)
39 ‘There is no end to a circle nor to what can be done within it’: Circle Time in the secondary history classroom – John Stanier (Read article)
46 Polychronicon: Postmodern Holocaust Historiography: Saul Friedländer's 'The Years of Extermination' – Wulf Kansteiner (Read article)
50 What time does the tune start? From thinking about ‘sense of period’ to modelling history at Key Stage 3 – Ian Dawson (Read article)
58 Review Essay: Arthur Chapman on Caroline Coffin and Allan Megill
60 Move Me On: Trainee not sure where to draw boundaries when handling sensitive issues (Read article)
64 Mummy, mummy...
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