Teaching History 134: Local Voices
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Local Voices
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 Relevant, rigorous and revisited: using local history to make meaning of historical significance – Geraint Brown and James Woodcock (Read article)
12 Cunning Plan: Local history at KS3 – Dan Moorhouse (Read article)
15 Nutshell
16 Riots, railways and a Hampshire hill fort: exploiting local history for rigorous evidential enquiry – Richard McFahn, Sarah Herrity and Neil Bates (Read article)
24 Polychronicon: The Great War and cultural history – Peter Donaldson (Read article)
27 ‘30% is not bad considering …’ Factors influencing pupil take-up of history post Key Stage 3: an exploratory enquiry – Richard Harris and Terry Haydn (Read article)
37 ‘How our area used to be back then’: an oral history project in an east London school – Michelle Johansen and Martin Spafford (Read article)
47 Distant voices, familiar echoes: exploiting the resources to which we all have access – from Essex, England to Masindi, Uganda! – Denise Thompson (Read article)
56 Move Me On: Getting enough A-level experience (Read article)
60 Mummy, mummy...
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