Charles XII
Classic Pamphlet

The Fall of the Swedish Empire
The reputation of Charles XII who became king of Sweden before he was fifteen years old and had the responsibility of absolutist goverment thrust upon him within the next six months - contrary to the plans laid down for him by his father - has tended to attract political rather than historical assessment. This is explicable not so much by the domestic situation of Sweden at the outset of his reign, but by the fact that Charles and his advisers as early as 1700 had to meet the challenge of a formidable anti-Swedish coaltion determined to undo the great power position built up between 1561 and 1661. In its turn the war of 1700-1721, known as the 'Great War' in Sweden-Finland and as the 'Great Northern War' in European historiography, had repercussions - especially after 1709 - on the Swedish domestic situation and raised questions so significant that they have survived political issues. Even today Swedes can be heard to say that no one shall rob them of their birthright 'to quarrel about Charles XII'.
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