Teaching History 197: Public History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
Please note: the print edition of Teaching History 197 will be arriving with members early in the New Year.
03 Editorial (Read article)
04 HA Secondary News
06 HA Update: Talk more to write better
08 Beyond and behind the ‘quiet bus lady’: tracing the popular memory of Rosa Parks with Year 9 – Ed Durbin (Read article)
16 Who inherits the house? Using heritage to shape pupils’ thinking about historical significance – Rachel Foster (Read article)
30 Shaping what matters: Year 9 decide why we should care about the Windrush scandal – Mark Fowle (Read article)
39 Triumphs Show: Embracing scholarship to guide Year 7 on an exploration of the Silk Roads – Tom Pattison (Read article)
42 Traces of the past in Flanders: Integrating heritage education and public history at school – Joris Van Doorsselaere (Read article)
50 Why do we continue to study the Holocaust? Holocaust learning at Imperial War Museums – Clare Lawlor (Read article)
57 What Have Historians Been Arguing About... Modern British LGBTQ+ history – Samuel Rutherford (Read article)
62 Using Virtual Reality to promote historical contextualisation in classrooms – Pieter Mannak, Tim Huijgen and Hanneke Tuithof (Read article)
72 Move Me On: trainee is struggling to manage the demands of their history teacher education programme alongside their essential part-time work (Read article)
76 Mummy, Mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including What have historians been arguing about...?, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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