Move Me On: struggling with different emphases on teacher talk
Teaching History feature

Move Me On is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical help to all involved in training new history teachers. Each issue presents a situation in initial teacher education/training with an emphasis upon a particular history-specific issue.
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Trainee is struggling to reconcile the very different emphases placed on teacher talk by different history teachers within the department
Harriet Powers has been in her first placement for a few weeks and has been struck by the different approaches adopted by different history teachers, particularly in relation to the use of teacher talk. Her mentor Jennie (new to the role and only in her third year of teaching) arranged Harriet’s timetable to allow her to see a range of practice at Key Stage 3. It includes two Year 8 groups: one of Jennie’s own classes and one taught by Leon, a more experienced colleague. Harriet has also observed a Year 9 class taught by Kyra, another experienced teacher...
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