Quality Mark Case Study: Castle Mead Academy

The journey to Quality Mark Gold

At Castle Mead Academy, we are delighted to have recently received the Gold Standard Quality Mark for History, an accolade that not only celebrates the progress we’ve made and journey we’ve been on as a department but also validates the efforts of our entire school community.

We began developing out history curriculum in 2021, as a brand-new inner city free school. Our primary aim was to create a curriculum that was inclusive, engaging, and academically rigorous. We wanted out students to see themselves reflected in the history that they were studying, and to feel a sense of connection to both local and global narratives. From the outset, we were committed to ensuring that our history curriculum reflected our students’ lived experiences while encouraging critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the past. However, while we felt proud of the curriculum that we developed, we also know that curriculum development is never finished. The landscape of education constantly evolves, and we wanted to ensure that our curriculum was keeping pace with the latest educational and historical research and best practices.
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Reflecting on our journey: the self-audit process

The process for applying to the Quality Mark began with a thorough self-audit. On the surface, this might seem like a daunting task, but it turned out to be on of the most valuable aspects of our journey. The self- audit forced us to critically reflect on our curriculum, teaching practices, and overall impact. It provided a structured framework for evaluating our progress, helping us identify areas where we were excelling and areas which we needed to develop further.
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Gaining external validation: the assessment process

Once we had completed the self-audit, gathered and uploaded our evidence in support of the application, the next step was the assessment process. This stage of the Quality Mark was crucial – not only because it provided external validation of our work but also because it gave us the opportunity to engage with a credible, subject specialist, critical friend who could offer constructive feedback. The process itself was thorough, but it was also supportive and collaborative.
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The value of the Quality Mark

Achieving the Gold Standard Quality Mark has been an incredibly rewarding experience for our department and school as a whole. Not only has it validated the hard work we’ve put into developing our curriculum, but it has also helped elevate the status of history with the school and across our Trust. The recognition has allowed us to share best practices with other history leads through our Subject Improvement Forum and collaborate with colleagues to ensure that more young people, regardless of their background, have access to a rich and engaging history education.
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Looking ahead: a culture of continuous improvement

While we are proud of our achievement, we are by no means complacent. The Quality Mark has not been the end of our journey – it has provided us with a clear framework for ongoing development. As we move into the next phase of our curriculum journey, we are excited to continue refining and improving our history provision.
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Assessor's report and evidence


Castle Mead Academy is an average sized 11-16 secondary free school in Leicester catering for around 1000 scholars (the term used for students at Castle Mead). The school is part of the Mead Educational Trust. The school population is diverse and welcomes scholars from over 50 feeder primary schools in the local area. Around 35% of scholars are Pupil Premium, with the current Yr7 cohort numbers at 50%. Scholars currently on the SEND register make up around 19% of the school population, including those with EHCPs. The latest Ofsted report for the school was in November 2023 and was graded as ‘outstanding’ which included a deep dive in History.

Evidence for the assessment was gathered through a selection of pupil voice discussions from Years 8-10, learning walks across several KS3 classes, a tour, book looks, and separate meetings with the subject leader and teaching staff within the department. A separate online meeting took place with the headteacher shortly after the visit. Further evidence was also provided by the subject leader in the form of a comprehensive portfolio and other requested paperwork on the day.

1. Teaching and learning

Lesson walks by the assessor, and evidence in the portfolio from internal observations and external reports, clearly shows that teaching in History is consistently outstanding. During the visit the assessor observed two lessons in key stage 3 in which one was a post assessment evaluation of what the scholars had recently completed. In the Year 8 class the teacher skilfully used questions to elicit answers from scholars about questions in the assessment, before demonstrating good practice through modelled answers so the scholars could improve their answers. All the scholars were engaged in the lesson, and some told the assessor how the feedback helps them improve on their assessments for next time.
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2. Leadership

The school regards CPD for teachers and leaders as important and imperative to enable the History department to be forward thinking and innovative. The department leader is the co-chair of the Trust Subject Improvement Forum and often contributes resources, ideas and research with other department leads. Furthermore, the department leader is an active member of the local HA branch and has shared resources and CPD with the wider History community.
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3. Curriculum

The History curriculum at Castle Mead School is highly innovative, engaging and well-constructed. There is a clear vision for the subject reflected in the design of the KS3 curriculum which is underpinned by 4 key questions that scholars regularly return to: How were people rule during this period, how did people live during this period, what did people believe during this period and how do we know about this period?
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4. Achievement

There are clear and precise progression documents linked to GCSE outcomes that run through key stage 3. Each scholar has an assessment folder which tracks their progress through the school in History and clearly shows progress in terms of key aspects of historical knowledge including working with sources and scholarship, and knowledge application. Moreover, each of the termly assessments have a section dedicated to knowledge retrieval which includes questions from the current topic, year and previous learning in key stage 3. Ofsted feedback of assessment in History also concluded that teachers ‘routinely check what pupils know before moving on with new work’.
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5. Enrichment

History at Castle Mead Academy effectively contributes to an enrichment programme that operates beyond the school curriculum and has a positive impact on the wider community. Over the past two years the scholars have experienced a Heritage Day in Year 9, a WWI History trail with elements of English, Geography and History. Many of these events were run in conjunction with other schools in the local area. Furthermore, History clubs, Archaeology clubs, Family History and a History of Music club have been prominent features of the whole school Castle Character Time which take place twice a week and is part of the whole school extended timetable.
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Final comments

The History provision at Castle Mead Academy is innovative, forward thinking and engaging for all stakeholders. It was a pleasure to visit the school and witness the wonderful History learning taking place in the lessons. All staff, scholars and parents/carers should be incredibly proud of the work they are doing with History, and I would like to thank them for making my visit so welcoming.

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