Animated Guide: Become a Museum Curator

Have you ever visited a museum or exhibition and wondered who puts it all together? Being a museum, library or archive curator is a very responsible job. Not only do they have to look after rare and precious items in their care, but they must also know all about their collections and be able to put them on display in such a way that informs the public, tells a story or shows beauty.
For an easy to access starting point for all aspiring curators, check out this wonderful animation series, produced in partnership with Egham Museum. Students are taken through the entire curatorial process from the very seed of an exhibition to audience and story to space and design, ensuring that budding curators are equipped with the tools that they need to curate an exhibition that people will be talking about long after it has finished.
This resource was created for our Exhibiting History competition, which asked groups of students to become curators and put on their very own exhibitions about Agincourt and the 15th century. You can read the winning school's account of the competition here.