Secondary Education and Social Change in the UK since 1945: KS3 resource packs
Free schools resource packs for Key Stage 3

Secondary Education and Social Change in the UK since 1945: Key Stage 3 school resource packs
Although secondary education become an almost universal experience for British 11-year-olds after the Second World War, it is striking how rarely this key social transformation is used to engage current school-age pupils studying post-1945 British history.
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The lessons on these pages are the product of a 2020–2021 collaboration between the ESRC–funded project Secondary Education and Social Change in the UK since 1945 (SESC), based at the University of Cambridge, and four secondary school history teachers to provide a creative solution to this problem by creating Key Stage 3 School Resource Packs based on SESC’s research.
These school resource packs are free to download for any secondary school history teachers interested in secondary education and social change. The packs all focus on one main research question: In what ways do schools reflect change in the United Kingdom since 1945? but approach this through a specific theme: Read more
Introductory files
- KS3 resource packs - File guide (PDF, 0.3MB)
- KS3 resource packs - Glossary (PDF, 0.3MB)
- KS3 resource packs - Local archives guide (PDF, 5MB)
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Resource packs & lesson plans
- Race & ethnicity
- Class & social mobility
- Gender & sexuality
- Everyday school life
About the project
- About the project