Lesson sequence: Eighteenth-century politics
Lesson sequence

Enquiry: Ruling Britannia! How did the fears of those in power change, 1688–1783?
The first lesson of this sequence is available free to all secondary members here. |
This series of lessons has been designed to enable students to learn about power and political change in Britain in the period 1688–1783. Through the unfolding narrative, students learn about key concepts, including monarchy, government and Parliament, identify causal factors and develop a sense of period. Finally, they assess how power and the fears of those in power changed across the period.
This enquiry explores British politics and changes that impacted on politics in the period 1688–1783. It is an exciting time, with political and economic turmoil, the first Prime Minister, London becoming the world financial centre, the forming of the UK and unceasing media chatter. This is a sequence of lessons rich in knowledge that makes the development of the substantive concepts of monarchy, government and Parliament clear. It builds a sense of period and works with the second-order concepts of causation and change.
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