Recorded webinar: History teachers as teachers of reading
Developing confident readers and writers in the history classroom and beyond

Recorded webinar: History teachers as teachers of reading
Students and teachers can perceive literacy, particularly the challenges of extended reading and writing, to be a barrier to enjoyment of and success in history. Repeated lockdowns over the past two years have, despite teachers’ most creative and dedicated responses to remote learning, made it even harder to help children become confident readers and writers, and the impact of this is being felt in classrooms across the country. In this webinar series, Rachel Lewin draws on her experience as Head of Department for both English and History to offer practical ways in which teachers can rebuild and develop students’ confidence at word, sentence, paragraph and whole text levels.
This introductory webinar to the series Developing confident readers and writers in the history classroom and beyond focuses on: step by step approaches to building students’ confidence as readers, opening doors to fascinating stories and powerful historical thinking.
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