The Case of the Girl in Grey
By Jordan Stratford

1. The girl in grey is a good book to other people’s opinions because I didn’t quite like it because the book is boring.
Good reasons
The things I like about this book is that it is a thrilling, spine chilling and spooky book. My favourite character of the story was lady ada, who was the sister of Mary, they were on the strangest case (because she and her sister were detectives) they had found a suspicious looking girl , who had disappeared into the trees.
Story Line
The story line is the most important part of this book you have to keep track of it or you won’t know what is going on. This story line is about a detective agency of two girls called lady ada and Mary who is on a puzzling case that includes a horrible hospital a missing will a hasty engagement and a suspicious slippery servant.
Bad Reasons
The reason I don’t like the book is because it is extremely boring and has no action in it what so ever. The other reason is that the book has a terrible start of a story and the start is exiting but later on at the start the reader ( me) get bored and doesn’t want to read the book anymore!
By Kieran
2. The girl in grey was an advancer book about a little girl was the ghost at mid night she goes out and scars people I like the characters Adam and Mary the author is Jorden strafed I didn’t like the picture for me it was a good book it was about the Wollstonecraft detective agency was supposed to be a secret constabulary, but after the success of their first case, all of London knows that lady Adam and Mary are the to go to if you have a problem.
Who is the desperate girl Mary sees running away in the rain in Regent’s Park? Is she any connection of heiress Lizzie Earns haw, whose fiancé, Sir Caleb Gulping, is suspiciously trying to get hold of Lizzie’s fortune their marriage? The two girls, Lizzie and Alice, look very alike. And has Mr Earns haws will really go missing? Ada and Mary are asked to investigate. Things are not helped by the arrival of Ada’s half-sister, the nine-year-old Allegra, who’s desperate to help. She says she’s good at fencing but what’s the use of that? And Mary’s step-sister, the snobby Jane Claremont, also he/she wants to be involved.
By Mikolaj
3. This story is based on 4 girls: Ada, Allegra, Mary, and Jane, in the The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, living in1826. This time their case is about a mystery ghost girl, a missing will and a suspiciously cruel husband. I enjoyed the time where the author used the phrase ‘She shot her a dirty look’ and ‘Took her leave’. It explained how people used to talk in 18th century. I didn't have any favorite or worst parts. He used repetition, similes ,as silent as a library, and ambitious vocabulary such as parried, intricacies and I would recommend it to year 6s and would give it 4 stars.
By Shira
4. I loved reading this book because it’s about a secret detective agency called Wollstonecraft detective agency. There’s a carriage ride accident and a girl called Mary went to investigate due to the fact she’d seen a girl or ghost dressed in grey.
The characters were well written and I particularly liked Ada, Mary, Allegra and Mrs Somerville. I like Ada, because she’s clever and she’s brave. I like Mary because she likes to read books and she’s brave. I like Allegra because she’s the second smartest person in England- I would like to be like her when I’m older. My favourite part in the book is when Mrs Somerville, who they describe the as the cleverest person in England or the world, when she surprises Ada by going into the mansion. Ada never expected that she’d do that.
When I discovered at the start it says that it is a made up book but partly true, I immediately wanted to learn more about it (I have always enjoyed reading history books). As soon as I had finished the first page, I knew that I wanted to read other books by this author.
This is a fantastic book and I would definitely recommend this to my friends to read- they love adventure books.
By Gracie
5. Would you solve a ghostly mystery?
Meet Mary, Ada and their friends as they try to solve their new mystery.
The new case is a puzzle indeed. It involves a horrible hospital, a missing will and a suspiciously slippery servant!
Mary is travelling in a carriage with Charles Dickens (when he was a young boy) and her stepsister Jane. Suddenly, they see a familiar ghost-like girl running through the park.
The book is amazing. I would recommend it to anyone but don’t read it at night because it is spooky! I’ve learnt about Victorian history and I’ve learnt: never go on a ghost chase! I enjoyed the book so much that I’ve bought the first one by Jordan Stratford, The Missing Moonstone. I hope it tells me more about the characters, their adventures and the times when they lived.
By Jessica
6. This book has its upsides and downsides; let me tell you about the upsides. It is an interesting read, especially chapter 20 – if you want to know more facts about the history, flick forward to the interesting notes section. This will help you.
I think the history was more interesting than the adventure. I liked finding out about Ada Lovelace and Mary Shelley and I think the facts about them are the most interesting thing in the book. I’ll certainly be finding out more about them.
I think the book lacks a certain amount of adventure. Out of ten, I’d give it an eight; so, I don’t think I’ll read any more from the series. If you’re not worried about that but enjoy finding out about history from stories, then this might be for you.
By Katrina
7. This story is is set in the 1919. The main character, Henrietta, is all alone. Her mother is ill, her
father has taken a job abroad and her nanny , Jane, is not paying attention. She is all all alone but
in her new house and the forest near her had many secrets.... I really like this book because it is very mysterious and interesting. My favourite character is mothbecause she is a very shady character but she is kind and caring. The history in this book is not very important because it doesn't mention that much things about the world war but it was set after it. It didn't mention history that much, so it didn't really let me think of history. I want to read a bit more of Lucy strange books because she makes her writing detailed and emotional. I would recommend this to people who can read longer books because it is longer and more complex. The history in this story is when they find about about
the ghostly girl in the grey gown. I'd recommend this book to people who love mystery and adventures story's. The age would be from year four and onwards.I would like to read other stories like this because it is really eye catching and it would make me want to read story's by Jordan Stratford.
By Qawla
8. Girl in grey is the second book of the case of the … series. The first book was called the case of the missing moonstone. This book is as good as the first one but one let down with the book is that you have to read the first book to understand some of the funny parts that are in the book.
My favourite characters are Ada and Allegra because Ada is very smart and can always think of ways to get out of a bad situation or solve a tricky mystery. Ada is also very funny because she will say things about people or something. I like Allegra because she is just like Ada because she is Ada’s sister.
By Georgia
9. Girl in grey is the second sequel to the case of the missing moonstone. The first book was alright, but I think the case of the girl in grey is better, because it has more description and more formal language. There’s one let down with this book, that is the funny parts (I don’t understand them.)
My favourite characters are Ada and Allegra, because Ada is very adventurous and funny, and Allegra, because she can get out of bad situations or solve a tricky mystery.
By Liam
10. I think this book is very historical although this book has some pictures in and in the old days they didn’t have pictures still I think it’s quite historical. I’ve got to page 25 and so far it’s really good. I love the front cover because I just adore ponies so that’s why I like this book so much. I would love to see the end of this 216 paged book. Jorden Stratford you are an amazing author and I will enjoy reading more of your books. I would like to go tell you a little poem I made. Girl in Grey sounds ancient and old if you were to read it I think you would need it if you had sold a ghostly mystery how would you feel? Don’t ask me ask yourself. When I have finished the book I hope the other person who is going to take it on will really enjoy it.
By Amelia
11. At first I wasn’t too sure about the book but when you get into the real history it gets better. People who want to be a detective when they get older would probably be interested in it. The Girl in the Grey has no pictures, well maybe a few, but it’s a chance to think and to imagine what it would be like if you were there. The way the author wrote it is in old style and it really takes you back in time. It makes it more imaginative which is good. The most interesting part was where the detective agency came in for the mystery. Also the rich and the poor came in but mostly the rich. Some people may find the book disinteresting because maybe it’s not their style. Because it’s so old it has black and white photos. Also the photos give us a better idea of what lives were like. The book I would recommend people aged 8 – 30 years old. I give this book 41/2 stars.
By Lola
12. I enjoyed this book because it was adventurous. I liked two characters called Ada and Mary because they were in the middle of the mystery.
I think that books from the 19th century are very interesting. I would like to find out exactly what year this happened and more about the history of it.
This book inspired me to read a book called ‘The Case of the Missing Moonstone’, which is also by Jordan Stratford. I really enjoyed reading this book, especially about the mysterious parts.
By Martnya
13. I really enjoyed the book as it had a really good mystery. I would recommend this book to people that like mystery stories and enjoy when there are parts with twists to them.
I particularly liked the beginning, as it was emotional because the girl was left at home while her mum was in another country on holiday. However, my favourite part was when the sisters were fighting but then stopped. My favourite character was Alegra because she was so elegant.
If I had to rate this book, I would give it a nine out of ten. I liked the book and it had some really good parts that made me want to read and I thought it had some spectacular vocabulary. The only thing I did not really like was that it did not have that many illustrations but I could imagine it.
By Samanta
14. The Case of the Girl in Grey was really enjoyable because it was fully of adventure.
My favourite characters were Ada, Mary and Lizzie. I liked Ada because she was solving the mystery without even caring about the ‘awkwardness’ boundary. I liked Lizzie as a character because she didn’t care if she was part of ‘society’ she wanted to be with normal girls. From the three, Mary was the best because when their leader, Ada, had a bad fever, Mary took on the leadership well.
I liked the part where all of the girls tried to save each other. The story felt so real I felt part of it. I would like to read more titles like this.
By Vanessa
15. Girl in Grey by Jordan Stratford is a great book about four girls who are solving a mystery about Lizzie’s future husband. The aurthor told the story really well and I could picture everything in my head.
I could imagine Lady Ada’s massive 19th Century house and her annoying little half-sister bothering her. My favourite charater was Jane, Mary’s half-sister as she reminded me of my cousin.
Although this book was quite good, I didn’t really learn a lot of history like I did with Rose in the Blitz. It had a bit of history when it talked about the Uncle choosing Lizzie’s husband and them sitting in the horse-drawn carriage, but from that, there wasn’t too much history.
I also didn’t really like the pictures in the book as I prefere to imagine what the characters and places look like instaed of seeing them in a drawing.
Apart from that, I thought it was a great book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes mystery solving books.
By Lauren
16. I have not read the whole book yet, in fact I’m only thirty pages through, but so far I think it is brilliant. The childish emotions of Allegra, the curiosity of Jane, the smart ways of Mary and the exciting, thoughtful mind of Ada.
The book starts off with Ada and Allegra fighting with fire-pokers and zipping up and down the stairs in mortal combat. The unimpressed butler stops this commotion by taking almost no action whatsoever and merely saying a few words.
Without any more spoilers of the book I think that Jordan has put an awful lot of work into this and I hope that others can find joy as well, from the anonymous cook to the spiriting figures of Mary and Ada.
By Ruby
17. I really enjoyed this book especially when the two young girls, Alice and Lizzie, find out that they are twin sisters. I don’t think the book is realistic since I don’t believe that all the scenes in the book actually happened in history for real but the descriptions of the characters, clothing and mode of transport were very realistic. I would read more books by this author even though it was quite a sad story.
By Reya
18. I enjoyed this book because it contains the key ingredients I love in a great book: action and mystery. I loved the way you met the Grey Girl for the first time and when they go to the hospital. One of the saddest parts is when Lizzie is adopted. I believe that the history in this book was accurate and I think this book would work well as a series, for example they could solve mysteries from different eras- perhaps using family members in the future.
By Zahid
19. The girl in Grey is about Ada (named after Ada Byron), whose parents have died - she lives with her step-sister Allegra, her silent butler: Mr Franklin, the cook; and Miss cumberland, Ada’s Maid. I like when they (Jane, Mary, Ada and Allegra) go to Lizzie’s house to investigate the new case with the Wollstonecraft Secret Detective Agency. The yare investigating about Sire Caleb (Lizzie’s fiancé) as Mary Somerville has given them this case to investigate on.
I think the history of this book is realistic as it creates images in the reader’s mind and it has cohesion. I liked the setting because the description makes you feel like you are actually there in the place. I wanted to find out a bit a more on the history as there are some objects that were used in everyday life for them, and are not used now.
I wanted to read more books by the author as it has a clear structure and who know what is happening. I think this book is amazing and I’d recommend this book to anyone that likes history, fiction and mysteries as those are the main themes of the book. I think the main character is smart and intelligent because she realises many things almost instantly, so that is a good quality of a detective.
I like this book as it is based on two real people: Ada is named after Ada Byron, who was the first female computer programmer and Mary was named after Mary Shelley, the world’s first science fiction author. These two ladies inspired the author to make this brilliant book.