
Stages: Registration > Evidence > Application > Outcomes > Renewal

Application deadlines:
2024/25 academic year

Round 1: Application deadline: 31 December 2024
Assessment Meeting: 25 January 2025 (TBC)

Round 2: Application deadline: 31 May 2024
Assessment Meeting: 28 June 2024 (TBC)

You can expect to be informed of their decision within three weeks of the meeting under normal circumstances, although this may be longer if the panel request additional evidence. 

What happens next?

  • What happens once I have submitted my application?

    There are two assessment windows each year. The deadline for applications will usually be around six weeks prior to the meeting of the assessment panel.  

    Prior to the meeting of the assessment panel, your application will go through a preliminary check.  If you do not hear from us, you should assume that your application has been checked and forwarded as complete and correct but you may hear from the HA if there are issues of eligibility or sufficiency of evidence.

    If additional evidence is required, this must be sent before the assessment panel meets in order to continue to be considered in that assessment window. If not received in time, your application will be deferred if in the first window or the registration lost if this is already your second assessment window and in order to be reconsidered you will need to re-register.

  • What happens if I am successful?

    You will keep your Chartered History Teacher Status for three years. During this time you can refer to yourself as a Chartered History Teacher (CTHIST) Your certificate will arrive through the post. 

    You must keep up HA membership and your Chartered Teacher fees (£20 per year) during this time.

    You will also need to complete a yearly CPD record noting at least 35 hours of history specific professional development. Please see our CPD requirements document on the application page. This should be submitted on a yearly basis to your file upload. You may be randomly selected for viewing of the CPD record. If it is missing or incomplete, this may result in the removal of your CTHist status. 

    After a period of three years, you will need to renew your Chartered History Teacher status - find out about re-accreditation here.

  • What if I am unsuccessful?

    You are allowed a maximum of two consecutive assessment windows. If you are not successful the first time, it may be possible to defer to the next assessment window with the addition of extra or alternative evidence.

    You can also re-apply again at a later stage although you will need to pay the registration fee again.

    It may also be possible to appeal against a decision. See the next question for further information 

  • What is the CTHist appeals procedure?

    The HA Charter Mark has inbuilt procedures that make appeals unlikely.  These include preliminary checks and the role of a panel in each application. However, it is possible that there may be rare occasions where the applicant feels dissatisfied with the process. This section summarises how a person can respond in such cases.

    1. An individual may only argue grounds for appeal if they feel that the HA did not follow procedures as laid down in the HA Chartered Teacher criteria, guidance or terms and conditions. The panel can only make an assessment based upon the evidence provided in the original portfolio. Any evidence that was not supplied to the original panel cannot be used as evidence in an appeal.
    2. Appeals may only be made following 2 unsuccessful application windows as if in the case of a first application it is unsuccessful, the applicant may re-apply during the second assessment window.
    3. If an individual feels that the HA has breached procedure, they should outline briefly via email or in writing to Mel Jones within 14 days of the second unsuccessful application the specific reasons why they wish to appeal providing any evidence that might substantiate the grounds for the appeal. This should be done in the following format:
      1. Grounds for appeal identified
      2. Specific issues from outcome that uphold grounds for appeal identified
      3. Evidence from original evidence portfolio to support or negate issues identified in item 2 of this list.
    4. Mel Jones will clarify with the individual the process and costs of the appeal. It will then be down to the individual if they still wish to go ahead with the appeal. In the case of an appeal, a new panel, separate from the original will be asked to re-assess the application.
    5. This process is costed at the same £100 plus VAT fee as the original assessment. Where the appeal is upheld, then the HA will award a Charter Mark and the individual will only be liable for the original cost of assessment. Where the appeal is not upheld, the individual will bear the cost of the additional assessment as well as the original (£100 x 2 plus VAT), plus administrative expenses of £25. 
    6. Appeals will normally be considered within four working weeks of the applicant submitting an appeal and an outcome delivered to the applicant within six weeks, although this is not always guaranteed.
    7. The outcome will be one of the following:
      • The original process was carried out correctly and the judgement correct
      • The process was flawed but the original judgement is correct
      • The process was flawed and the outcome was incorrect. The individual will then be awarded the Charter Mark.

    The outcome of the appeal assessment will be final although applicants will be able to re-register and begin the process again.

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