Teacher Fellowship Programme: Teaching the Age of Revolutions
Teacher Fellowship Programme 2018

The 2018 Teacher Fellowship Programme looked at developing teaching of the Age of Revolutions (1755-1848) and was fully funded by the Age of Revolution education legacy project. It focused on embedding the teaching of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century history in UK schools through the development of teacher subject knowledge and subject pedagogy.
The secondary programme was led by Ben Walsh and Katie Hall, with academic input generously contributed by Ben Marsh, University of Kent and Arthur Burns, King's College London. An associated primary programme was led by Karin Doull.
The Fellowship began in Belgium at Waterloo with a fascinating and engaging residential, which included tours of the museums and the battle site guided by Richard Kerridge and Sacha Cinnamond, with input from the wonderfully knowledgeable and intellectually generous Waterloo200 volunteers, Mick Crumplin, Carole Divall and Gareth Glover. Participants then engaged in an online course which considered the historiography, significance and sources of the period. You can read some of the reflections from the online course in the next page of this module.
Based on their learning from the programme, the participants developed a number of resources to improve the teaching of the Age of Revolutions in the classroom. You can look through the first of these resources below.
The resources published here are the property of the authors and publication does not necessarily imply the HA’s approval of the opinions expressed in the resources. We have tried to identify the copyright holder of any images used within the resources but please contact us if you have any concerns. If you have any questions about these resources, please contact Maheema Chanrai, the Historical Association Education and Events Officer, at maheema.chanrai@history.org.uk.
As part of the programme we have recorded a series of podcasts which can be accessed via the link below. These are all free to access and contain interviews with academic historians with links to A-level exam specifications and guidance for teachers.