Triumphs Show 169: Using 360 VR Technology with the GCSE Historic Environment study
Teaching History feature: celebrating and sharing success

Using 360 Virtual Reality Technology with the GCSE Historic Environment study
One of the biggest changes in the new GCSE specifications is the requirement for all students to undertake a study of the historic environment. Unsurprisingly the approach taken by the exam boards to this requirement varies widely. While some boards allow schools a free choice of site, others have decided to offer nominated sites. In the case of AQA’s specification the nominated site changes annually.
For teachers trying to arrange a site visit the prospect of an annually nominated site could prove to be a particular headache. How can the logistical pressure be lessened while securing high-quality experiences, motivation and outcomes for students? The answer might lie in attempts to ‘bring’ the site to school by using virtual tours to supplement more conventional provision.
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