Historical fiction winners announced 2016

This year's Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition has once again provided some work of an exceptional standard. Year upon year, we were not only astounded by the number of entries we receive, but also by the very high standard, which makes the judging process very difficult.
This year, we were very ably helped by student reviewers, teachers and librarians from Poplar Primary School in Merton and the Mount School in York. Our huge thanks for their invaluable help in the shortlisting of entries.
Review groups supported by teachers and librarians whittled entries down to a shortlist for each category that was then judged by panels from Historical Association primary and secondary committees in order to choose our winners. The students and committee judges very much enjoyed reading all of the entries and found choosing winners very difficult. Entries were judged not only on the historical context, but also upon how enjoyable they were to read. Judges were interested by entries of different styles, from traditionally structured stories to those that read more like the scene of a play or film. Characters were judged upon how convincing and apt they were to the historical context.
Following the difficult judging process, we are pleased to announce the winners as follows:
Year 5/6: Two prizes on offer for best story:
Julia’s flight by Imogen Fewster
Robert and the War by Rory Davidson
An honourable mention also goes to Emily Hook
Year 7/8/9 Three prizes on offer for best story:
Skara Brae murder by Lillian Noble
Coal-mining in the 19th century by Lily Glen
Maisy by Nikhita Claerhout
There were also two prizes on offer across key stages 2 and 3 for the best characterisation in a historical context. Winners in this category are as follows:
Ragnar by Elena Obradovic
The soldiers from over the hill by Ruggero Degl’Innocenti
You can read all of the winning entries below.
Congratulations to all our winners who each receive an HA paperweight and £25 plus a years' membership of the HA for their school.
Attached files:
- Julia's Flight by Imogen Fewster
115.8 KB PDF document - Maisy by Nickita Claerhout
78.6 KB PDF document - Robert and the war by Rory Davison
66.1 KB PDF document - The soldiers from over the hill by Rugerro Degl' Innocenti
65.1 KB PDF document - Coal Mining in the 19th Century by Lily Glen
63.5 KB PDF document