HA Secondary History Survey 2019
Annual Survey Report on History in Secondary Schools

HA Report on 2019 Survey of History in English Secondary Schools
Each year the HA carries out a survey into secondary schools to collect data on how history is taught and to uncover overall issues and concerns in education and teaching. The data is then analysed by teaching academics who are able to use the data from each survey to track trends, monitor changes and examine teacher concerns year on year. These concerns as well as successes are then articulated through the HA to influence CPD provision and pedagogical development as well as for lobbying government and other agencies.
The HA Secondary Survey is a powerful tool in determining educational direction for us and for supporting many of our members.
The 2019 survey was launched online in August 2019, just after the publication of A-level and GCSE results, and closed in October. Unlike in some previous years the results were not dramatic, but it has revealed some issues that are remaining consistent and that therefore require monitoring and support from the HA where possible. This includes the findings that:
“90% of teachers disagree with the claim that the current specifications are appropriate for those with low levels of literacy and 70% disagree with the suggestion that they are appropriate for those with low prior attainment.
“Respondents continue to appreciate the range of content (i.e. the fact that the specifications include the study of history from three different periods and across different timescales), but only 20% regard the amount of content as manageable. Thirty per cent of schools claimed that they were unable to fit the content they had to cover into the time available.’”
An area that is also concerning but that the HA cannot directly assist with is budget cuts, which remain a key concern for many teachers. On this issue the HA will continue to argue for greater resources for schools and access to funds.
Download the full Secondary survey report as well as the key findings below:
Attached files:
- HA Report on 2019 Survey of History in English Secondary Schools
1.02 MB PDF document - Summary of key findings
285.7 KB PDF document